"It started out as a way to help people."

Brian Pubrat - Founder

Our Story

Prior to adulthood, I had suffered from acne and was told that I had "problematic" skin. It was a devastating period in my life.  Growing up and becoming an adult was something that we look forward to, but I became introspective and reclusive.  I had lost my confidence and was always very self-conscious about how people would perceive me based on the condition of my skin.

I tried everything, including topical creams like benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, and salicylic acid.  I also tried doctor prescribed treatments, including clindamycin, tetracycline, and minocycline which were taken orally as a pill. All of these treatments provided some minor improvements, but none of these treatments totally improved my skin, nor gave me that boost of internal self-confidence that I wanted.

Finally, in my early twenties while attending university, I tried isotretinoin  (also known as Accutane) which is a very powerful drug.  The treatment lasted for twenty weeks and required a monthly blood test as the drug can be absorbed through the skin and lungs and can harm you (e.g. liver) if not monitored properly.  While I was against putting this type of drug into my body, I was desperate.  I just wanted to have clear skin.  Is that too much to ask?  Fortunately for me, I had some moderate success with isotretinoin,  but my acne journey was far from over.

Over the course of the next ten years, I continued to have break-outs, pimples and whiteheads, always at the worst time possible. You know, there's that big family get-together and there's this huge pimple that comes out of nowhere.  Or, when it's date night and you refuse to go out because you feel that you have this massive crater on your face.  That was me. :-( 

While my oily skin continued throughout my twenties and thirties, I also developed acne on my back.  Once again, I felt embarrassed and lacked self-confidence during the warmer months when at the beach or park.  I never wanted to take my shirt off.  It was debilitating

The Breakthrough 

Things changed in my mid-thirties when I stumbled across a peer reviewed research paper that changed my life.  In the paper, it had isolated a common water-soluble vitamin that when used liberally could improve the overall appearance of your skin.  For the next several months, I continued researching the various ingredients referenced in the study, and one day I finally decided to give this vitamin a try.  I rationalised that taking a natural vitamin is far better than topical creams and doctor prescribed drugs that require monthly blood tests. 

I am excited to share that I have been taking this common vitamin for most of my adult life in various doses. It has kept my complexion clear and it has restored my self-confidence.  In short, I feel happy again and it has really improved my outlook on life.  

Understanding the pain and suffering that acne can cause through my own experience, I have made it my mission to find an all-natural solution that promotes clear skin.  I have formulated a proprietary blend of vitamins and minerals that are clinically proven, safe, and effective acne treatments.  My goal is to share this formula with everyone who doesn't have clear skin, so that they can possibly obtain the same benefits and results that I did.  ClearB5 has evolved from a personal purpose, and now I can't wait to share this with everyone". 

Our Purpose

natural acne treatment
why we are here

Our purpose is to help clear your skin in a safe, effective, and natural way - free from drugs and harsh chemicals. 

OUR Commitment

We are committed to helping you while you work towards clearer skin.  We know from experience that acne can lower one's self-esteem and we want to create a community that is trustworthy and safe.  Join our Instagram group and share your story and learn about others who are in your situation.

Me, in my younger days.

"Growing up with acne had a big impact on my life. I wanted to create a product and get it into the hands of thousands of people so that they feel better about themselves.  I want to help people gain back their self-confidence."

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